Saturday, September 7, 2024

Chinese horoscope from Feb 26-Mar 3: Here’s what each zodiac sign should know

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This week’s Chinese horoscope has a specific message for each zodiac sign. Between February 26 and March 3, it is time for you to take a moment and look at the bigger picture. It is the perfect opportunity to dive into what brings you comfort and happiness. While working towards achieving your goals is essential, constantly striving for perfection can bring unnecessary stress. Hence, it is important for you to take a breather and have patience.

Chinese zodiac signs: Find out what’s in store this week for you(Freepik)

Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

In general overview, you should have more patience as this week is not the best time to make big moves for the Rat. Allowing yourself some time to reflect on your inner self will prove to be beneficial. When it comes to love, you should be your own best friend and pay no heed to those who try to put blame on you. Trust yourself and take relief in knowing that it’s not about you but them.

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Lucky Day in Love: March 2

Lucky Day in Friendship: February 28

Lucky Day for Career: February 27

This is also the perfect time for you to go on a trip or pilgrimage. Even if you have the slightest of force within you provoking you to go somewhere, listen to that voice! For a fun little adventure, you could go on camping. Moreover, you should expect positive changes career-wise. The energy is picking up and will take you in the right direction. You could expect to get a raise or an incentive.

Ox (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

Those born in the year of Ox have endless options, but don’t be deceived by them. You should prioritise what’s important for you and avoid getting distracted by what’s not meant for you. Meanwhile, when it comes to love, it would be best for you to abstain from making any moves. This would allow you more time to figure out whether you are with the right person or if the relationship provides a safe space for you.

Lucky Day in Love: February 29

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 3

Lucky Day for Career: February 26

Career-wise, it is the perfect time for you to set the stage for something big incoming. To make your mind calm this time, you could try journaling. In addition to peace, this will allow you to express gratitude and thankfulness. However, friendships may not be your cup of tea this week. You may not be the life of the party, but know that it’s okay!

Tiger (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

Tigers strive to work as a team, whether with a friend or colleague this week. Know that your fate is tied to a Horse sign this week. When it comes to love, you may have to wait longer for your true soulmate. Have patience and faith in the universe as higher forces are working to create something big for you.

Lucky Day in Love: February 27

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 2

Lucky Day for Career: February 27

Meanwhile, in friendships, shift your focus toward what environment is best for you. If you are discontented with your network, you should analyse and figure out if you should exit the scene. If you don’t like your circle, then this week is the best time for you to move forward with the decision. When it comes to career, beware of facing competition from someone who may not have the best interests for you.

Rabbit (1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

Those born in the year of Rabbit know that you are brave and confident. This week, you should add daily affirmations to your routine. It will reap many benefits for you. When it comes to love, if someone doesn’t side with you to support you, be thankful that you finally know the truth. This is the best time to bid farewell to those who don’t deserve you.

Lucky Day in Love: March 3

Lucky Day in Friendship: February 26

Lucky Day for Career: February 27

When it comes to your friends, your social life will be amped this week. With plenty of options and new links, you can expect to befriend new people. You should also be aware of your potential and know that you are a talented individual in your profession. Don’t let anyone get you down.

Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

Since this is the Year of the Dragon, those born under this zodiac can expect to go through a period of transition. For some, it may be hard to let go of what doesn’t serve you anyone; you should have faith in the cosmos and know that it is only clearing space for better things in future.

Lucky Day in Love: March 3

Lucky Day in Friendship: February 26

Lucky Day for Career: February 28

When it comes to love, don’t be afraid to devote yourself to the one you’re committed to. If you are unable to trust your person, then be aware that you may regret it later. Hence, now is the time to be brave and declare your love. Your friends are your strength; you should have faith in them. Meanwhile, when it comes to your career, you should be bold and open to new ideas.

Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

This week is the time to reflect on what is causing you a hindrance despite giving your best efforts. You should take some time to ponder over what is that’s blocking your way. It is the perfect time to strike a balance between taking some time out for yourself when it comes to your love life.

Lucky Day in Love: March 2

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 3

Lucky Day for Career: February 27

Your social life and friendships could take an interesting turn this week. You can expect some wild adventures coming your way. It is also the perfect opportunity for you to experiment in your career. The energy is working in your favour during this week.

Horse (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

For people born in the year of Horse, there’s good news for you! This week is radiating positive energy. You should not be afraid to take the time out for ourself and simply enjoy life. Since the energy for you is strong this week, you should do a manifestation ritual to attract your soulmate.

Lucky Day in Love: March 3

Lucky Day in Friendship: February 27

Lucky Day for Career: February 29

This week, your friends have interesting things in store for you. It could be outdoor experiences or brilliant conversations. Adding to the positivity, your career will also see a significant rise. It is the best time to sit back, relax, and trust the higher forces.

Goat (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

For those born in the year of Goat, it is the best time for you to expand your horizons. Know that the cosmic energy is working in your favour. This week is the perfect time for you to reflect on your relationship. You should have an overview of the things you wish to do or the things that are currently not in your favour. Try making a checklist for the same.

Lucky Day in Love: March 2

Lucky Day in Friendship: February 29

Lucky Day for Career: March 3

There are chances that you may overspend in your friend group this week. Feel free to have fun, but be cautious to not lose your head along the way. Career-wise, your manifestation powers are strong this week, making this the perfect time to take the necessary steps for your advantage.

Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Monkeys should be aware of spilling their secrets to the wrong person. This week, you need to be wary of who you trust. If you feel that love-wise, things aren’t exactly going according to your plans, you should reflect on your inner self and heal past wounds. Your prior experiences may be the cause behind your hindrance in relationships.

Lucky Day in Love: February 28

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 1

Lucky Day for Career: February 29

When it comes to friendship, you should be more receptive to your intuition. There may be foul play in your inner circle. In order to recognise this, you must sit still and think deeply. However, the good news is that you have plenty of opportunities career-wise.

Rooster (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

You can expect a subtle stillness this week as the energy this week is more calm for Rooster. This is the best time for you to let intuition guide your way. When it comes to your relationships, you should listen more and talk less. It will allow you to have a better understanding of your partner.

Lucky Day in Love: March 2 and 3

Lucky Day in Friendship: February 29

Lucky Day for Career: February 27

This week brings good news for introverts and bad news for extroverts. It is the best time to sit back, reflect on your inner self, and be more aware of your social circle. When it comes to your career, there won’t be any significant changes. Keep up the hard work and sincere effort in your work.

Dog (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

For those born in the year of Dog, this week’s energy will urge you to focus internally. When you are aware of your inner self, the exterior will naturally be simplified. If love isn’t on your bucket list for now, then don’t let anyone force you into pursuing it. Remember that you have a choice, and it is your free will.

Lucky Day in Love: February 26

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 2

Lucky Day for Career: March 3

This week’s energy will allow you to be more open in your social life. Don’t be afraid of new experiences, and feel free to go with the flow. However, you need to be careful of workplace affairs. Be aware that there is a time and place for everything.

Pig (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

This week brings a major shift for this zodiac. As you dive deep within and introspect, you may uncover some of your hidden skills and abilities. However, don’t chase love, whether or not you are in a relationship. Even if you are seeing someone, don’t force your love on them and understand that everyone has their own timeline.

Lucky Day in Love: February 26

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 2

Lucky Day for Career: March 3

You may find yourself more inclined to follow new healthy lifestyle changes. Feel free to experiment and incorporate new routines into your daily life. It’s always a good decision to take healthy measures. This week could also be big for those working in firms, especially legal professionals, as they can expect to become a partner. Just know that hard work pays off in the end, and if it doesn’t, it’s not the end.

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