Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Weekly Chinese Horoscope from March 18-24, 2024: Check what’s in store for you

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Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

This week, it’s important for you to take care of your feelings and deal with any old hurts you might have ignored. These hurts are stopping you from fully using your special talents.

Let’s look at this week’s horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign(Freepik)

Also Read Chinese Horoscope for March 2024: 3 zodiac signs likely to suffer this month

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Lucky Day in Love: March 22

On March 22, focus on finding love within a community rather than just with one person. Ask yourself if the person you’re with is someone you can see as a future partner. Do you also like their family and friends?

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 19

On March 19, try writing in a journal every day to express your feelings, hopes, and dreams. You might discover something interesting by doing this.

Lucky Day for Career: March 18

March 18 is a great time for your career. If you want to invest in something, go for it now. It’s a lucky time for you!

Ox (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

It’s important to be careful about the people you hang out with and spend time around this week. Some of them might not have your best interests at heart and could be holding you back from success.

Lucky Day in Love: March 18

On March 18, your romantic and social lives are closely connected. If you’ve had a feeling that someone close to you might be cheating with a friend, it’s worth looking into that suspicion.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 20

March 20 is a good day to take a step back from socializing if you feel like you need a break. Don’t let anyone pressure you into doing things you’re not comfortable with. Take care of yourself first, and everything else will work out.

Lucky Day in Career: March 18

If you’re a manager at work, this week will be especially busy and important for you. If you’re part of a team, be careful to avoid conflicts and work well with others.

Tiger (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

This week is a good time to make plans for the future, but it’s not the right time to start anything new, Tigers. The energy will be more supportive in the next few weeks, so hold off on taking action for now and focus on preparing for what’s to come.

Lucky Day in Love: March 18

On March 18, you’re in for wonderful experiences in your love life. Stay open and receptive, and you’ll see the positive energy grow. Some of you might even undergo a transformation for the better—a real glow-up!

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 21

March 21 brings opportunities for quality time with your friends and family. They’ll be a source of comfort and joy, so make sure to show them how much you appreciate them through your actions.

Lucky Day in Career: March 23

Your career is on track this week, with no major obstacles. However, it’s best to focus on your personal priorities for now. Avoid making any big changes in your work life—just keep doing what you’re doing, and things will continue to progress smoothly.

Rabbit (1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

This week brings you a powerful and stable energy. It’s a time for you to recognize your value and stand firm in your beliefs. You’ve got some strong cosmic forces on your side right now, so trust in yourself.

Lucky Day in Love: March 24

On March 24, it’s all about being generous in your love life. Show your partner your caring side. Let your heart lead the way, but don’t ignore any warning signs that might come up.

Lucky Day in Love: March 24

March 24 could bring a new and exciting friendship into your life. Get ready for some fun times ahead! This new friend will bring plenty of laughter and positive energy into your social circle.

Lucky Day in Career: March 21

In your career, March 21 is a day to let your creativity flow. Trust in your ideas and inspirations, and don’t be afraid to take the lead in creating something new and innovative. It’s a time for you to shine in your professional endeavours.

Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

this week, it’s important to listen to your inner voice and trust your own judgment. Even if you usually rely on the advice of others, take it with a grain of salt right now and follow your intuition. You’ve got a good sense of what’s right, so trust in yourself.

Lucky Day in Love: March 22

On March 22, it’s time to take action in your love life. Don’t be afraid to show the person you care about how much they mean to you. Remember, it’s better to express your feelings and risk rejection than to hold back and wonder what could have been.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 21

March 21 might bring some warning signs about certain people in your social circle. If your gut is telling you that someone isn’t trustworthy or has ulterior motives, it’s important not to ignore those feelings. Surround yourself with positive influences who want to see you succeed.

Lucky Day in Career: March 19

In your career, March 19 is a day to approach your interactions with an open heart and a friendly demeanour. Creating a positive work environment will lead to meaningful conversations, innovative ideas, and ultimately, positive outcomes. Stay open-minded and welcoming to those around you.

Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

You are advised to be cautious this week as you may find yourself surrounded by narcissistic individuals who seek to burden you. Whether it’s at home or elsewhere, it’s crucial to advocate for yourself and put an end to this harmful dynamic.

Lucky Day in Love: March 21

On March 21, trust your instincts when it comes to matters of the heart. Your intuition will serve as your guide, especially if you notice any warning signs or feel the need to distance yourself from someone.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 21

In your social life, embrace your true self without apology. Whether it’s your style, eating habits, or personality, this is your time to shine and be authentically you. Let yourself be seen and appreciated for who you are.

Lucky Day in Career: March 19

Your work life will remain stable and productive this week, with everything running smoothly. By staying organized and focused on your tasks, you’ll continue to excel in your professional endeavours.

Horse (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Get ready for a week of being showered with blessings and pampering! You’ll feel more radiant and attractive than ever before, so embrace it and enjoy the cosmic spotlight shining on you.

Lucky Day in Love: March 19

On March 19, don’t be afraid to be yourself in matters of the heart. Speak your truth and express your authentic self. The right person will appreciate your honesty and love you for who you truly are, while the wrong one will try to change you into their ideal image.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 18

March 18 promises a thriving social life for you, especially if there’s a party or family gathering on the horizon. Be prepared for pleasant surprises and unexpected delights in your interactions with others.

Lucky Day in Career: March 20

Your career is also blessed this week, with opportunities for increased earnings and unexpected bonuses. When good fortune comes your way, be sure to express gratitude for the abundance that flows into your life.

Goat (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

This week’s energy is all about spreading kindness and generosity. Let your heart lead the way and be a beacon of light and love wherever you go. By embracing these qualities, you’ll invite beautiful experiences into your life.

Lucky Day in Love: March 22

On March 22, the vibe in your love life is more relaxed. If you’ve been contemplating ending a relationship or taking a break from romance altogether, trust your instincts and prioritize your own well-being.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 24

March 24 encourages introspection and connecting with a select few. If you feel the urge to be more introverted or spend time with only a small circle of friends, honor that inner need. Consider working with smoky quartz to enhance your sense of grounding and protection.

Lucky Day in Career: March 24

In your career, March 24 brings powerful energy and positive outcomes. Be open to happy surprises and enjoyable experiences. You may also see the successful completion of a project, leaving you feeling satisfied and accomplished.

Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

This week is going to feel fantastic, especially if you’re in a long-distance relationship. Some of you might even experience a positive transformation!

Lucky Day in Love: March 23

On March 23, when it comes to love, think about the future. It’s important to talk about money matters to understand if there are any financial issues you need to consider, especially if you’re thinking about marriage.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 21

March 21 will bring good times with your friends. Let your pals bring out the best in you and enjoy the positive vibes they bring.

Lucky Day in Career: March 19

In your job, everything will go smoothly this week, just like usual. So, if you feel like focusing on other parts of your life, go ahead and do it. You might find solutions to any problems that come up.

Rooster (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Rooster, this week is all about balance—give and take in equal measure. Avoid falling into the trap of people-pleasing, but also don’t demand more than what others can give, especially in matters of love.

Lucky Day in Love: March 20

On March 20, take some time to reflect on your romantic options. You have more choices than you realize, so find some quiet moments to contemplate your next steps. Solutions will become clear if you give yourself the space to think.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 18

March 18 promises an extraordinary social life. There’s even a chance for collaboration in other areas of your life. Who knows? You might even help a friend plan a romantic proposal!

Lucky Day in Career: March 18

Be cautious in your career on March 18. Pay close attention to the information you receive, as it may not be accurate or could be intentionally misleading. If something doesn’t seem right, trust your instincts and avoid getting involved.

Dog (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Your energy this week is solid and reliable. You have the strength to tackle anything you set your mind to, and you’ll see great results from your efforts.

Lucky Day in Love: March 19

On March 19, be cautious in matters of love. There may be rumours or misinformation circulating within your social circle that could create misunderstandings with your partner. Stay vigilant, and don’t let jealousy or envy from others affect your relationship.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 20

March 20 encourages you to speak your truth when interacting with friends and family. Even if their opinions differ from yours, stay true to your beliefs and values. As long as you stand up for what’s right for you, everything will work out.

Lucky Day in Career: March 21

In your career, March 21 advises patience. This isn’t the time to take on new projects or explore unfamiliar territory. Instead, trust in the seeds you’ve already planted and allow them time to grow and flourish.

Pig (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

This week’s energy emphasizes the importance of staying focused on your priorities and avoiding distractions. By doing so, you can achieve a great deal, knowing that the cosmic forces are supporting you.

Lucky Day in Love: March 21

On March 21, be prepared for potential challenges in your love life. You may encounter a situation that leads to a breakup or reveals information about your partner that changes your feelings towards them. Trust your instincts as events unfold, and use the experience to become stronger and more aware of relationship dynamics.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 22

March 22 brings comfort and support from your social circle. Spend time with loved ones and close friends, as they will provide solace and help you navigate any heartbreak or difficulties you may encounter.

Lucky Day in Career: March 20

In your career, March 20 signifies stability and consistency. Stay focused on your responsibilities, and maintain your diligence in your work. As long as you remain committed and attentive, you will succeed in your professional endeavours.

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